Thursday, September 6, 2018

Carly Weaver Art

Multitalented, Multitasking Artist With Clever Collections.
Playful Painting, Detailed Drawings & Functional Wares.

Images by Carly Weaver
Artist: Carly Weaver
Expertise: Woodwork
Additional Talents: Painting, Illustration
Materials: Wood, Paint, Brushes, Colored Pencils, Woodworking Tools
Style: Beautiful Natural Wood Grain with Painting, Drawing or Utilitarian Value
Inspiration: Our Great City of Austin
Subject Matter: Grackles, Bikes, Pet, Plants
Common Creations: Wall Art, Custom Pet Portraits, Plant Stands
Website: []  []
Shop Online:  [Doggy Wood on Etsy]
Shop Offline: Events & Stockists Announced on Social Media
Social Media: [Carly Weaver Art]  [Doggy Wood Art]  [Hold on to your Plants]
Home Base: Austin, TX
Spotted At: Cherrywood Art Fair

It's common to think that as an artist, you have to specialize and find your niche to stand out. Of course, that doesn't mean that you can't have several areas of expertise, and Carly Weaver of Austin is a shining example of how to share multiple artistic talents with her audience (or audiences). In Carly's case, this means several different creative businesses - Carly Weaver Art, Doggy Wood Art and Hold on to Your Plants. Interestingly enough, the common thread throughout these ventures is wood. Her characteristic grackles and bicycles are expertly painted or drawn on wood, letting the natural grain pattern make up the background. Her new customer pet portraits are more realist in style, drawn in colored pencil, also on wood. Last, but not least, her plant stands give her the chance to do more woodworking, and they add a functional component to her artistic offerings. I joke about it not being fair for one artist to have so many talents, but admittedly, I love seeing someone who can bring multiple good ideas to life with talent and good branding. There’s something playful in Carly’s art, casual and approachable like the spirit of Austin, her inspiration, but without sacrificing true artistic skill. You can tell that she knows her way around a paint brush or pencil just as well as she knows the wood shop. In fact, she says she spends just as much time in the shop as the studio. I really admire Carly’s dedication and hustle because I know first hand how hard it is to run several ventures. Moreover, I’m glad to see a shining example of how creatives can have multiple outlets of expression that work together in harmony, but also stand alone. You can find Carly’s work at various stores around Austin and likely at several handmade holiday shopping events later this year.

Images by Carly Weaver