Thursday, March 24, 2016

Nancy Paton

Nature at it’s Most Bold, Beautiful & Vibrant.
Paintings that Come to Life Stroke by Stroke.

Images by Nancy Paton
Artist: Nancy Paton
Expertise: Painting
Additional Talents: Drawing, Crafting
Materials: Oil Paints, Canvas, Paint Brushes, Pastels
Style: Up Close, Detailed Portraits of Plants in Vibrant Hues
Inspiration: Nature at its most organic and beautiful
Subject Matter: Flora and sometimes Fauna
Social Media: [Facebook]  [Blog]
Home Base: Austin, TX
Spotted At: Travis Heights Artist Trail

Some say before you can run, you must walk, and before you can paint, you must draw. For local Austin Painter Nancy Paton this is both true and not. She was lucky to have a very thorough introduction to drawing at an early age. Her teacher required that she learn the basics before expanding beyond to any color medium like paint or pastel. This helped her gain a good understanding of light and shadow in creating the forms she wanted to depict. Her skill in this area is well reflected in her pieces to this day. Much of her chosen subject matter almost pops off the page as if they were three dimensional thanks to her bold visual style. Now that she has a strong foundation in drawing, she finds that she doesn’t need to draw out her paintings before picking up a brush. She lets the forms come out as she adds color and shading. It may take several layers over time, but the finished works are very beautiful! She finds inspiration in nature, both flora and fauna. The colors, shapes and textures suit her technique very well. My favorite pieces feature succulents in all different colors. These are especially striking with the vibrant hues Nancy chooses. She sees the world in a bright and colorful way. I’m a little jealous, but then again, I have her art to enjoy this perspective, and for that I am thankful!

Images by Nancy Paton