Thursday, July 23, 2015

Cheryl Sorg

Pictures Made Up of More Than 1,000 Words.
Mixed Media Upcycling of Books & Magazines.

Images by Cheryl Sorg
Artist: Cheryl Sorg
Expertise: Mixed Media
Additional Talents: Illustration, Photography
Materials: Books, Magazines, Photographs, Paper, Scissors, Adhesive
Style: Patterns & Images Rendered from Cutout Works
Inspiration: Literature, Words & Color
Subject Matter: Thumbprints, Tree Rings, Geometric Designs
Online Shop: [Etsy]
Social Media: [Facebook]  [Instagram]  [Twitter]
Home Base: Encinitas, CA
Spotted: Online

It's safe to say that most visual story tellers, no matter their medium, agree that pictures really can be worth 1,000 words, if not more. But what about pictures actually made up of words? The art of mixed media master Cheryl Sorg plays with just such a clever juxtaposition. She has developed a truly unique visual language that incorporates shape, color and the written word. While she is skilled in both illustration and photography, her chosen focus these days is creating large scale works of mixed media. Some of her most common materials are books. She very diligently cuts and then rearranges the words of literature that move her. As a lover of books, she admits that it's hard at times to "destroy" these written works of art, but the act of putting them back together in a new and visually driven way makes it ok. Her pieces are often abstract and frankly mesmerizing. They draw you in and lead you down your own path of interpretation. Cheryl herself has also veered down many paths as her art evolves. Recently, she has incorporated new materials while still following her characteristic design aesthetic. Some still include words, whether printed or hand written, and others use images and color. Her finished works, while more conceptual than realistic, often take the form of thumbprints or tree rings. She also creates a number of beautiful geometric patterns. What I find most fascinating about Cheryl's art is the way she collages her mix of media, elevating what can be a simple skill with her choice of material and the visual stories she brings together! She is as individual as the fingerprints she composes!

Images by Cheryl Sorg