Carefully & Artistically Wrapped Flasks for Function & Flair.
Artist: Katrina Marhefka
Expertise: Textiles / Leather Goods
Additional Talents: Jewelry Making, Organics
Materials: Flasks, Leather, Vegetable Dyes, Stitching
Style: Simplicity to Celebrate Quality Materials & Craftsmanship
Inspiration: The Lack of Fine Handmade Goods for Guys
Signature Creation: Leather Wrapped Flasks
Shop Online: Products
Shop Offline: Events Announced on Facebook
Social Media: [Facebook] [Instagram]
Home Base: Austin, TX
Spotted At: Blue Genie Art Bazaar
If you take a quick look at the Arts & Crafts space, you're likely to notice the wide array of gifts and other items for ladies of all ages and far less for the fellows. Does that mean there is more of a market for handmade goods with women? No, I would argue not, but there's a clear discrepancy in what's made for men. And that's why artisan Katrina Marhefka started Espacio Handmade, trying to fill the void of locally crafted goods for guys. Their signature collection features leather wrapped flasks with personality filled decoration on the front and artful stitching up the back. I love how these are functional, but also very much statement pieces. This artist and her team have placed a premium on high quality materials to make sure every finished product is worthy of the quality guy who uses it. They've chosen to incorporate vegetable dyes in the tanning process to finish their leather as nature intended, showing respect to the animal that gave its hide in the name of art. And they are very careful to avoid waste. Once each piece of leather gets its embellishment, be it geometric patterns, Austin pride or custom monograms, it is wrapped around a flask and stitched up the back for long lasting use. Katrina and her team also have a line of organic grooming products for guys as well a few fun odds and ends for women like earrings and bracelets made with the same quality leather and careful technique! Espacio Handmade is the embodiment of goods made with the best kind of pride, in quality, artistry and craftsmanship!