Artful Accessories Tied Up in Honoring Previous Wearers.
Artist: Deborah Tate
Expertise: Textiles
Additional Talents: Upcycling, Thrift Shopping
Materials: Ties, Sewing Machine, Thread, Zippers, Pins, Straps
Style: Colorful, Patterned Mixes and Matches
Inspiration: Stories of Former Owners
Common Creations: Baskets, Purses, Hair Clips, Pillows, Custom Pieces
Shop Online: [Etsy]
Shop Offline: Shows Announced on Facebook
Social Media: [Facebook] [Instagram] [Twitter]
Home Base: Austin, TX
Spotted At: NW ATX Artists’ Market
I have always been a fan of upcycled Art, in part because it stems from extra creativity and resourcefulness, but also for the memories of your materials "past lives" that you get to preserve. Deborah Tate of Quirk & Thrift shares this love and executes on it as her personal philosophy in creating art! Years ago, her mother planted a seed for this passion by teaching her how to sew. It didn't take long before Deborah was hooked, and from there she tried her hand at many types of textile arts and crafting. It was clear from this early age that she was destined to become a maker! Quirk & Thrift came into being as a way to celebrate Deborah's favorite aspects of art and upcycling. She starts by finding unusual materials in need of a second life, in her case ties from various thrift shops. Color and pattern help guide her choices of which ties to use, but thanks to her sentimental side, she also loves to day dream about the previous owner. When did they wear this tie? What type of event were they celebrating? What did it communicate about their personality? What story will this tie become a part of when the soon to be owner of a repurposed piece takes over? Many of Deborah's designs turn these ties into new functional items like purses, baskets, pillows and accessories. Some pieces use just one tie while others involve careful mixing colors and patterns to create a whole new concept of patchwork. Deborah will also make custom pieces if you have a special tie from a very important person in your life that you'd like memorialized. The work of Quirk & Thrift is very pretty, but admittedly, I love the sentimental side even more! Whatever appeals to you, it's hard to deny this beautiful art philosophy and style!
Photography by Annie Winsett |