Bold & Simple Sings with Sassy Sayings to Show your Style!
Images by Laurel Stalla |
Artist: Laurel Stalla
Expertise: Crafting - Laser Cutting
Additional Talents: Jewelry Making, Graphic Design
Materials: Computer & Design Software, Wood, Laser Cutter, Paint, Sharpies
Style: Striking Typography & Design Applied to Lasercutting
Inspiration: 80s Graphics, 60s Mod & Art Deco
Subject Matter: Fun, Snarky Sayings, Inspirational Quotes, Icons of Texas
Common Creations: Lasercut Letter Signs & Wall Decor, Boxes, Jewelry
Shop Online: [Etsy]
Shop Offline: Events Announced on Facebook
Social Media: [Facebook] [Instagram] [Pinterest] [Twitter] [Google+]
Home Base: Austin, TX
Spotted At: NW ATX Artisans' Market
Art is designed to make you feel something or perhaps show off how you feel. The Artist themselves often imbues a little bit of who they are in their work, but they also hope you will choose a piece that speaks to you. Laurel Stalla’s laser cut signs can literally do this with their beautifully designed cutout quotes, quippy sayings and sweet sentiments. Laurel has dabbled in a wide range of techniques, but she seems most at home with Graphic Design that she then applies to a number of different “canvases” through Laser Cutting. When I first discovered her work a few years ago, she was focusing on jewelry and other wearables with amazing cutout designs - Geometric Motifs, Mandalas and more. From necklaces and earrings made out of acrylic to laser cut textiles for one-of-a-kind outfits. More recently, she has shifted to larger scale pieces like signs to decorate your home and tell your visitors something you care about. Maybe it’s Tacos or Texas Pride. Or perhaps Adventure and Dreaming Big. Laurel’s constantly adding new options to celebrate and inspire. A lot of her pieces are simple in the sense that they feature just one color and dimension, but the customized layout and typography make them very striking. Of course, she has others that she hand decorates with bright colored Sharpies to add another dimension. I have truly enjoyed watching Laurel’s evolution as an artist, and I can’t wait to see what new pieces and ideas she brings to light throughout her career.
Images by Laurel Stalla |